The other day I got a phone call... It went something like this...
Aaron - "Hey Brent its Aaron. What are you doing tomorrow night?"
Me - " Not much, got a couple errands to do. Why whats up?"
Aaron - "I found a Parkade with the perfect pile of snow to use for a tranny and a good progression of stories to jump off. I got a video camera for Christmas and want to video it."
Brent - "I got some new flashes I gotta try out, where and when?"
So I decide to not miss the opportunity in front of me and met with him the following night.
Turns out when we show up at the spot there happens to be one lonely car in the parkade and some guys skateboarding. Ends up its not their car and its right smack in the landing zone of our planned bomb drop. We hum and haw over if there is enough room to make it still happen, and end up deciding its not doable with a car in the way.

Not to end up with a wasted evening I go on a journey walk around the parkade and 'VOILA' another real good spot to make this happen. Only thing is there is no real progression to be had to get a little comfortable with the transition, its straight off the top. It may be a little hard to tell but its about 18 - 20 feet high, and thats just to the top of the snowpile. We start shaping the tranny and then I set up my lights. Aaron like a champion does most all of the work to get the drop in ready, even though hes the one risking it all and actually doing the drop. Once all is ready Aaron builds up his courage and gives is a go, If you can see in the picture below he is already wincing waiting for the impact.

Although Aaron doesn't land it that time he mans up, reshapes the landing a bit and heads back up the stairs to go at it again. Round two my flashes dont fire so no usable pics from that. Had to send back my Cactus V4 receiver for warranty.
Not to be defeated by the parkade Aaron heard up for another go at it. Flashes work thanks to my VAL ( That's a Voice Activate Light Stand, Thanks Jennie ) and the slave mode on the flashes.
Again you can see the look on his face as he knows if he doesn't land it, it causes some pain.
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