Jenn had made it through 41 weeks of pregnancy like a trooper, but was really feeling like she was over it..
It was December 1st at 3:00pm when I got the "you should come home now!" text. I hurried home and then we took our time getting ready. When we finally got to the hospital it was 5:56 pm. We had some trouble checking in so Jenn had to wait alone in a bed with no nurses checking on her while I got the mountains of paperwork done. When I finally got back she was already in transition, so when I finally got the nurse to check her she was already a good 6cm dilated and well on her way to 10cm... We got our delivery room in a flash and Jenn was begging for something to ease the pain. As the nurse was getting the I.V. set up Jenns water broke and a delivery nurse came flying in. In as many as 3 or 4 pushes we had a new baby boy! I cut the cord and it was an official birth at 6:56 pm. We were in the delivery room maybe 10 minutes before he was actually born. All without anything for the pain...
I am SO incredibly proud, thankful, and appreciative to Jenn for giving me yet another one of the most fantastic gifts anyone could give.
So without further ado... I present: Cameron Jake Davidson weighing in at whopping 9lbs 3oz!

A quick Tim Horton's...

and then straight into multitasking...breastfeeding and texting at the same time... 

Happy Birthday Mom!